eric limer

words pictures everything else

ableism-eradicator is a quick littleautohotkeyscript i made to help me eradicate the more pervasive ableist words from my vocabulary

if the script is running and you type the words "stupid," "dumb," "crazy," "insane," or "idiot," the script will provide a randomized list of other options and replace the slur with the alternative you select

if you want alternatives without typing the slur, use the shortcut "!c" for crazy/insane, "!s" for stupid/dumb, or "!i" for idiot

this script was adapted froma script by Jack Dunningwith alternative words taken in part fromanagnori

you can find instructions for running .ahk scripts with autohotkey here or you can run the compliled .exe on its own. windows only for now, sorry

download ableism-eradicator.ahk for use with autohotkey

download ableism-eradicator.exe for use on its own

view the ableism-eradicator dictionary

view the project on github on the off chance i've made any substantial improvements

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